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Free Will-writing service available to older people

Will writing

27 December 2023

Age Scotland’s Big Survey has revealed that 39% of over 50s either do not have a Will or have one which does not reflect their up-to-date wishes, with 5% saying they cannot afford to make one at all.

If someone dies without a Will, there can be uncertainty, disputes and legal expenses. The charity is therefore urging older people not to put off planning for future legal matters, as having an accurate Will is essential not only in ensuring that your money and possessions are distributed in the way you prefer but also in helping alleviate stress for next of kin and loved ones at what will be a difficult time.

In order to support an increasing number of older people to get a Will in place, Age Scotland is also encouraging over 50s in Scotland to take advantage of their partnership with Solicitors for Older People Scotland, which enables this age group to write or amend their Will free of charge.

Age Scotland’s Chief Executive, Katherine Crawford, said:

“It’s important to plan for the legal and family issues which may occur in later life but, as this is not the most pleasant subject to think about or conversation to have, many people put it off.

“Having an up-to-date Will is a key part of ensuring your financial affairs are in order, and it’s concerning to find that almost half of older people in Scotland do not have a Will in place which accurately reflects their current wishes.

“Taking steps to have as much control as possible can help prevent complications at an already distressing time for those affected.

“We’d encourage anyone aged 50 and over in Scotland to get in touch about our free Will-writing offer. Taking steps to have as much control as possible now can help prevent complications at an already distressing time for those affected.”

Service users can leave a gift in their Will to Age Scotland in lieu of a solicitor’s fee. Visit to find out more.


Notes to editors:

Solicitors for Older People Scotland (SOPS) will remove the stress of making a new Will or amending your existing Will in three easy steps – all you need to do is:

  • Contact Age Scotland on 0333 323 2400 (Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm) or using the form at
  • SOPS will then be in touch to arrange the best date and time to chat to you.
  • Consider leaving Age Scotland a gift in your Will.

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