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New dementia grant launched for grassroots activities in Scotland

26 July 2023

About Dementia, part of Age Scotland, the country’s national charity for older people, has launched a funding grant for grassroots dementia projects.

The Encouraging and Supporting Grassroots Activity (ESGA) 2023 Fund will see £170,000 awarded to groups and individuals in Scotland to run projects within the community supporting people affected by dementia.

People looking to set up new projects, or those running already existing groups or activities, are welcome to apply for funding from £5,000 to £20,000 to cover a 12-month period. Collaborative bids will also be considered and can apply for up to £30,000.

Delivered as part of About Dementia’s Legacy partner commitments to the now-closed Life Changes Trust, the aim of the fund is to encourage community-led, grassroots support for people living with dementia, unpaid carers and family members.

It is hoped the fund will address gaps in support for people living with dementia and unpaid carers, break down barriers such as transport issues, and empower people to live well within their communities.

This is the second time the ESGA fund has been offered. Last year About Dementia was able to award funds totalling £145,921 (delivered in partnership with the Scottish Government) to 14 organisations across the country.

One of those was The Forget Me Notes – a singing project which aims to create inclusive choirs for everyone, including people living with dementia.

The organisation is based in Edinburgh and hosts weekly sessions alternating between Saughton Park and The Salvation Army on Gorgie Road. On a warm sunny day between 70 to 80 people usually turn up at the outdoor Choir In The Park, including many people living with dementia and unpaid carers.

It also runs an online Zoom choir which attracts participants from across the UK.

While these choirs had already been running for two years, it was only when funding from About Dementia was secured last year that the choirs became weekly offerings, enabling them to recruit new volunteers to provide assistance to members.

Alan Midwinter, chief executive of the Forget Me Notes Project, said:

“The grant was used to consolidate our work and make it consistent, we wouldn’t be able to keep it going as much without it.”

“People with dementia who attend our choirs get a sense of achievement and community involvement, it's inclusive for people who might be genuinely isolated.”

The ESGA fund has been co-produced with a panel of people with lived experience of dementia, who will work with About Dementia during the assessment and decision-making process.

Kainde Manji, head of Dementia at Age Scotland, said:

“The projects we’ve funded last year have already made a huge impact on the communities they serve.

“We’re delighted to be able to offer further funding to support this type of work.

“We know how much it's needed and the difference it really does make to people living with dementia and their families.”