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Fundraisers invited to join Age Scotland's Virtual Big Braw Bucket Shake

12 March 2021

People across Scotland are being asked to join Age Scotland’s new fundraising initiative – The Virtual Big Braw Bucket Shake.

From March onwards, the leading national charity for older people is urging as many people as possible to take part in their first ever virtual bucket shake to help support older people in Scotland.

Instead of shaking a collection bucket at local train stations or supermarkets, the fundraising initiative invites participants to get involved online from the comfort of their own homes.

Individuals, families, businesses and other organisations can set up a JustGiving page requesting donations to their virtual bucket collection.

Funds raised through The Virtual Big Braw Bucket Shake will support Age Scotland’s vital services, including the national friendship line, which can be life-changing for older people struggling with loneliness and isolation and looking for a friendly ear to listen.

Age Scotland’s Director of Charity Services, Michelle Supple, said:

“Bucket collections have always been a great way for us to raise the funds needed to support lonely and vulnerable older people in Scotland. This year, with our Age Scotland collection buckets still packed away in storage and volunteers unable to get out and about due to the pandemic, we wanted to offer a virtual alternative.

“The Virtual Big Braw Bucket Shake is a chance to make a real difference to the lives of the older people who have suffered the most during this pandemic and every penny raised will go towards funding important services like our friendship line, which receives hundreds of calls each week from older people looking for support and comfort.

“Whether you want to ask for donations in lieu of a celebration or you simply feel passionately about the work we do and want to put a smile on an older person’s face this spring, we hope to see as many people as possible signing up to join our band of Big Braw Bucket Shakers!”

Anyone looking to take part in Age Scotland’s Virtual Big Braw Bucket Shake can sign up by visiting