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Key outcomes at Age Scotland’s housing conference

2 April 2014

Age Scotland's inaugural housing conference for older people took place on Monday 31 March at the Renfield Centre in Glasgow, with more than 65 people in attendance.

The event provided attendees with a broad span of information on living independently and featured contributions from several housing professionals and organisations uniquely placed to support and advise Scotland's older people.

Opening the event, Brian Sloan, Age Scotland's Chief Executive, said: "Today isn't just about us providing answers - it's about asking you questions about your own circumstances and encouraging you to think carefully about your home and your needs."

Speakers included representatives of Age Scotland's helpline, Silver Line Scotland, as well as Care & Repair Scotland, Housing Options Scotland and Home Energy Scotland.  Each speaker added to the many questions for attendees, around whether their home was suitable for their needs - now and in the future, was it warm, comfortable and affordable, were there repairs needing done and who to turn to for information, advice and support.

The afternoon session featured a policy engagement session that allowed attendees to identify and discuss in more detail some of their broader concerns on which they felt Age Scotland should focus their activities.  The top three areas identified were healthcare, housing and transport, with the subsequent discussion revealing the extent to which each of these subjects interact with each other.

Greg McCracken, Age Scotland's Policy Officer, said: "This event made clear older people's desires to remain living independently in their own homes and communities.  That's why our conference encouraged attendees to plan ahead to ensure they can achieve this and enjoy a more comfortable retirement."

To receive a copy of the presentations from the event, please contact or telephone 0845 833 9332.