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From our analysis of what's hitting the headlines, to the big issues affecting older people in Scotland.
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Blog: IWD 2022 - Breaking the bias in the workplace
Blog: Why World Hearing Day matters to the older ex-military
6 in 10 over 50s surveyed would prefer £150 energy support payment as a direct cash payment
Blog: Cartoon Cavalcade star shares his experience of community kindness
Storms Dudley and Eunice: Look out for older neighbours
Blog: Getting out and about - and active!
Volunteers needed to fundraise for Age Scotland at Ibrox stadium
£150 energy bills support payment: Success for lowest income pensioners
New £1 million funding for dementia friendly communities across Scotland
A dark chapter in LGBTQ+ history from the recent past
Blog: The power of storytelling
Ofgem price cap hike confirms worst fears for struggling older customers