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By 2040, older people will account for 63p of every pound spent in the UK economy. It is therefore commercially essential for businesses to understand and cater to older people, in order to tap into and retain this strategically significant customer base.

Older woman with ipad in discussion

Age Friendly Customer Service

Our CPD accredited workshop illustrates why older customers are so important for business, explores some of the challenges that they might face and demonstrates how to make things better.

Scottish Water Customer Service

Dementia Friendly Customer Service

As the number of people living with dementia is forecast to double in the next 25 years, more and more of the customers using your  products and services will be affected by dementia, either directly or as a carer. 

Older worker man manual labour

Immersive Unconcious Bias

We offer an impartial, evidence led workshop that focusses on all types of unconscious bias.