We offer workshops for line managers to raise awareness, build knowledge, and develop skills on age-related workplace topics
An intergenerational workforce drives business growth, yet only half of organisations include age in their Diversity & Inclusion agenda.
With 33% of Scotland’s workforce now over 50, and employment among over-65s at a record high, skills shortages are rising. Yet, only 4 in 10 employers consider hiring people aged 50-64, and fewer than 1 in 5 recruit over-65s.
Line managers shape older workers' experiences. Poor policy implementation due to lack of awareness can increase turnover. By contrast, understanding reasonable adjustments boosts retention and productivity.
We offer in-house training for up to 16 colleagues and open workshops throughout the year on the following key age-related workplace topics.
Scotland’s workforce is ageing - futureproof your organisation now

Age Inclusive Leadership
With the UK in the midst of a recruitment crisis, it's more important than ever to adopt age-inclusive leadership practices within your organisation

Dementia Awareness for Managers
As the number of people living with dementia is set to double in the next 25 years, an increasing number of your staff and customers will be affected

Menopause at Work
In partnership with The University of Edinburgh Business School, we've designed a skills development workshop for line managers focused on menopause in the workplace

Immersive Unconscious Bias
Our impartial, evidence-based workshop provides a comprehensive exploration of all types of unconscious bias, equipping your team with the tools to recognise, challenge, and reduce bias in the workplace