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Age Scotland encourages Peebles' older people to attend town hall meeting on upcoming welfare reform
MSPs warned that poorest pensioners face "devastating" financial blow from May
Brian Sloan speaks to Good Morning Scotland about free TV licenses for the over 75s
Scottish Life Expectancy Figures "bleak" says Age Scotland
Charities join forces to inform older veterans of their housing options
Age Scotland backs Gordon Brown's appeal to let over 75s keep their free TV licence
61% of people diagnosed with dementia didn't get the treatment they were promised
Political Parties Unite to Beat Loneliness in Scotland
Council cuts threaten vital handyperson services despite new findings showing they create better quality of life for older people
A quarter of older scots not aware of their state pension age
UK government's 'sneaky move' will leave many pensioners thousands of pounds worse off
Charities combine to combat veterans’ sight and hearing loss