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More support needed to tackle scams targeting people living with dementia
Unclaimed benefits could significantly boost an older person's health and wellbeing but need to be accessible, says charity
Charities warn of undiagnosed depression among 120,000 older Scots
Around 60,000 older Scots will spend Christmas Day alone
Age Scotland busts common financial myths at free roadshows
Age Scotland encourages careful consideration when choosing a Funeral Plan
Almost half of Scottish workers aged 40-64 say they won’t be able to afford to retire when they reach State Pension Age
Age Scotland welcomes Scottish Government’s commitment to help older people buy affordable homes
Have your say on transport and concessionary travel
New men’s shed opens doors to combat loneliness and isolation
Urgent action required to protect vulnerable care home residents
Scottish parents turn to “granny nannies” as 370,000 grandparents take on childcare responsibilities